Statin users....

Rheumatologist told me that none of the inflammation markers, both acute and chronic, were elevated.
Ernie will be calling our doc to make an appointment for us to go talk to him.
We have been avoiding talking about what very well may be the cause of a lot of my physical troubles...the fact that I am obese. When Ernie was reading the rheumatologist report as we were driving home she read the entire report to me, skipping that part. I have talked to her, more times than I can remember, about changing our eating habits. Normally the end result is friction between us. Have all but given up on changing things.

The thing that truly amazes me is how the docs have yet to come right out and say, to either one of us, that all the extra weight we carry is not helping either one of us.
I am beyond frustrated by all this. Between the stenosis and all this stiffness most days it takes a few hours for me to get moving....