Statin users....

I do know good eating habits, proper nutrition, the right exercise, having correct weight for your body type makes us feel better physically and mentally. not a cure all for our old age, but it goes a long way... IMO

This is a very touchy subject in our home. Every one of her docs has told her that exercise is vital with her having fibromyalgia. But she KNOWS better. She has every excuse known to man for us being obese.....A big staple in her diet, being Mexican, is rice and tortilla. Never mind the fact that she is diabetic....not even going to get started on only leads to me becoming EXTREMELY frustrated...

I have asked my head doc for advice on how to deal with this. Have tried damn near everything he has suggested....end result being lot of friction between Ernie and I.

I am pretty much at the end of my rope in regards to being 75 pounds overweight...she is the better part of 65 pounds overweight....the rheumatologist I am seeing seems like the kind of guy who doesn't sugar coat things. When I go see him next I am going to ask him about the excess pounds....and make sure she LISTENS to him....