Statin users....

This is going to be controversial but I'm going to throw it out there, do not take statins UNLESS you've already had a heart attack.

The reality is that no studies have been performed that show that statins actually prevent a FIRST heart attack. And the studies that show that they help prevent a second heart attack are actually quite weak. i.e. They don't save a lot of lives.

Further, your total cholesterol has NO effect on your risk factors for a hear attack and therefore you need to do expanded tests that measure the various types of cholesterol and just as importantly triglycerides. Triglycerides rarely get mentioned as a risk factor for heart attacks but some studies suggest that they are more important than cholesterol.

My total cholesterol has been in the 240 range for years, doctor has pushed statins but the muscle and liver damage isn't worth the very little if any reduction in my risk for a heart attack.

If you really want to reduce your risk of a heart attack reduce your weight. Getting your waist mesaurement below 38 inches is one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of a heart attack. Also, don't smoke.


Joe Dokes