Statin users....

This is going to be controversial but I'm going to throw it out there, do not take statins UNLESS you've already had a heart attack.

The reality is that no studies have been performed that show that statins actually prevent a FIRST heart attack. And the studies that show that they help prevent a second heart attack are actually quite weak. i.e. They don't save a lot of lives.

Further, your total cholesterol has NO effect on your risk factors for a hear attack and therefore you need to do expanded tests that measure the various types of cholesterol and just as importantly triglycerides. Triglycerides rarely get mentioned as a risk factor for heart attacks but some studies suggest that they are more important than cholesterol.

My total cholesterol has been in the 240 range for years, doctor has pushed statins but the muscle and liver damage isn't worth the very little if any reduction in my risk for a heart attack.

If you really want to reduce your risk of a heart attack reduce your weight. Getting your waist mesaurement below 38 inches is one of the best things you can do to reduce your risk of a heart attack. Also, don't smoke.


Joe Dokes
My Dad's cholesterol was high. He was 5'8" and about 165 pounds. Had 5 strokes. Hardening of the arteries has taken damn near everyone out on his side of the family. His Dad, brother and sister all became worm food from it. My cholesterol was sky high prior to starting Simvastatin. Was also 305 pounds.
I have this argument with my head doc all the do enough searching chances are you will find a study that backs up damn near anything one chooses to believe...

I have been on statins 3 months now, going back to see doc this month the 18 th. surely he will take blood to check chlorestorol. I would like to see what the results are.
and his thoughts on fatigue and muscle ache.

my arguement with people I care about and the issue of overweight. I explain it like this, just common sense. 65 lb. overweight.???? think of it like carrying around a 65 bag of feed, whatever. everytime you move, get up and down, whatever, you are taxing yourself to carry around an extra bag of 65 pounds!????? just think how less tired that person would be IF NOT carrying this!?????

Yup, no argument from me. This was also one of the first things I used in my talks with the wife. Just got the deer in the headlight look. One of her favorite responses is always it is normal to be heavy as your age. My counter to that is "what about your Dad? He is in his 70's, 5'7" or so and 160 ish. How about our 80 year old neighbor that is thin?" Her normal response is I don't want to talk about it.

Today's dinner, which we agreed upon last night is going to be some chicken breasts cooked on the Egg....sliced and diced into a salad. She just asked me about going to Jimmy Johns because she will be going past one on her way home.

Sad to say but I have just about given up all hope of ever dropping any weight. While back I had convinced her to go on an Adkins style of diet. This was slightly different. I had gotten al the info on it from a friend at work that was a power lifter, runner....very active guy. Anyhow, I dropped 45 pounds in 6 months. But she grew tired of it....we ate very little sugars/starches.

Rheumatologist just called. Bone scan showed a lot of swelling in my hands and wrists. Said it looks very much like I do have pseudogout......and that the damage is also consistent with overuse injuries.