Those wheel ramp things for raising a car

Thanks for the suggestions MOPEkidD. In response to the OP's concern is why I commented. Realize I mean no offense here. We all have our preferences and concerns when lifting vehicles. For instance, in my truck, I have an aluminum floor jack along with the standard scissor jack that many are just fine with.

However, I feel we can agree to disagree on a couple points concerning the ramps. I disagree as far as "defeating the purpose" as I can achieve the desired result and I feel safer doing it this way with these ramps. I also disagree as you cannot place a jack stand under the tire to achieve the desired result and thus allow the vehicle to roll off. As far as the weld goes, I feel welded corners and maybe even a gusset for added support is not a bad thing. Overkill....?? Maybe. Over safe....?? Preference.

No offense taken I just think out loud a lot, sometimes too much lol. I'm just curious what the difference is between jacking up the car and putting ramps under the wheels, and jacking up the car and putting stands under the frame? Other than being able to back the car off the ramps when done, I suppose that does save a bit of time. No offense meant either I know I'm nitpicking at this point. I agree no such thing as "overkill" when it comes to safety, and a gusset would do a lot more than just a weld.