Statin users....

I know we are talking here of statins, but all related to food. I really believe that food and eating is a habit. back the first time I found I had high chlorestrol, I cut out just about ALL fried foods except some bacon every Sun with pancakes! cut out ice cream. always plenty active and my "stuff" went back to normal levels.

that was 2004. NOW, the "cook" that has been in charge of the kitchen last 3 years, got me on a small dish of ice cream EVERY night. very little fried food, but eggs several times a week, she uses real butter heavily. she is overweight and states "food is her life" ??? WTF???? watches cooking shows like some watch football! anyway.....

I say eating is a habit, and we can change these habits, BUT we have to have the desire! and, we can stretch or shrink our stomach!? we can control amount of food. what we eat?? I could, lets say, cut out ice cream again.... now the doc said " don't bother", just take these statins!!!! WTF again???? but where she stuffs down a HUGE bowl every night, it would take some self control on my part!

take her eating habits. she goes to bed at 8 p m or so. sleeps 4-5 hours, wakes up, can't sleep. gets up turns on t v plays on the puter, eats what I don't know??? ( i'd guess peanut butter jelly sandwich). goes back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. gets up and has 2 slices of cinnamon toast. if home skips lunch, bout 2 pm has something to eat. what???? dinner bout 6, eats 2 BIG plates of food. big dish of low fat ice cream bout 7:30. with choc syrup! exercise is working at Wally world 4 days a week for 5-8 hours a day, runnin the register. NO real exercise. wonder why she does NOT weigh in at "fly weight" !??????? all this is a habit, and she has NO desire to change!!!!!!