New cluster did not fix the dead Gauge issues HELP

I guess what I am asking is, if the little green flasher indicators are working, then am I to assume that the cluster is properly grounded. Or is it still possible that the Temp and Gas gauge are lacking a ground, even though the flasher indicators are working.

No. "Ground" for a circuit that is not actually properly grounded can backfeed through something else

EXAMPLE: Back in the days of 62-3-4-5-6 etc Chevs, which had part of the stop / tail lamps on the trunk lid and part on the body, you'd see stuff like the lights appear to be on, but you hit the brakes and some of them go dead. This is because with the tail lights on, they are "finding a ground" through the turn / stop filaments circuit. When you step on the brake, suddently you have 12V on both ends of the circuit.