New cluster did not fix the dead Gauge issues HELP

I've lost track of what you have and have not done.

I've written this previously. Treat the gauges as an end --to--end SYSTEM

1...You have voltage coming to and out the IGNITION switch, which goes to one of the pins on the harness connector on the pc board. THAT IS "switched 12V" power to the cluster

2...You have a ground on the cluster.

1A...The switched 12V runs the gauge instrument limiter The IVR is also grounded

3...The IVR has the so called "5v" output, which runs to SUPPLY the gauges

3A....The IVR output goes to the fuel gauge

3B....The IVR output goes to the temp gauge

4....Each gauge sender terminal runs to it's own dedicated pin on the harness connector, one for the temp and one for the fuel

4B....The fuel sender wire only goes on place........from the cluster PC board connector, through the left kickpanel connector, and back to the tank..........essentially one wire

4C.....The temp sender only goes one place....from the cluster PC board connector, through the bulkhead connector to the temp sender....essentially one wire

Test as much as you can "out of the car." "Rig" a battery to the proper PC board terminal and the cluster ground. Now you can ground the sender connections one at a time and test. First ground them at the gauge stud, then move to the PC board proper pin.

If the gauge works at the gauge stud, but not at the PC board connector pin, then you have a problem right there


Problems with my 67:

Broken / loose PC board connector pins. You can repair them in some cases. Just because you have a new or repop board does not mean it is OK

Poor connections between the IVR spring fingers and the board. I had to solder jumpers across

Bad IVR. replaced it.

Loose nuts at the gauge studs. Replaced the nuts.

You have to goe step by step, examining, testing, and repairing each and every step on the way. Just like a chain, "one" broken link will stop the show.

For the sender wires, each terminal in that path........the harness connector at the board. The kick panel connector for fuel, and the bulkhead connector for temp. At the sender ends, the sender connector themselves.