Raybestos RC4176 Caliper sourcing

Thing is, you REALLY don't know what you will get nowadays. Our brand at work is Brake Best. We routinely get Raybestos, Wagner, EIS and other parts in with a Brake Best part number sticker on them. So good luck.

This has been happening in the parts industry, for years..( The buyout of parts from chain/independent store buyouts/& the logistics of reboxing different brands.) I was taught as a tech," rebuild the OEM part that came off the car..." FWIW,your statement is honest,at the day is long.( think summer solstice) This o.p.'scase: Find what you can...I.T.T.C...
You are asking for the Kelsey Hayes 4 piston calipers.. (Rare & expensive)
Read this...https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...OjqWAcn-Bhy0nJUjw&sig2=KKy8OR6h-aI0TAD5T0AMqA
And this....https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sou...orvYmqpVcuF_9gL7A&sig2=QNWYzN23mNdQgX06rw95kw
Unless you are locked into four piston calipers, find a set of '73 up spindles...

And one more....
