"You know you're a redneck when......"

At least you didn't have a buddy hanging over the fender with the hood open "hand throttling", lol.

That's funny right there.

It reminds me of a time long long ago when we were at a party. The cops showed up and said we had to leave (we were being noisy, imagine that, a noisy outdoor party back in the 70's). My buddy and I were there in my car along with a couple of female companions, another friend was so twisted he had passed out in the backseat of his V Dub.

Well, we woke him up and said we had to leave, he fumbled around and found his keys and I was going to have my buddy drive my car while I drove his, great plan right?

Come to find out, I got in and fired up the bug only to find the throttle cable had broke. Well, being the ingenious guys we were back then, I let the girls take my car, my buddy sat on the rear bumper of the V Dub with the engine cover open, locked his arm through the hinged area and operated the throttle while I drove.

Down the road we went with me yelling out the window "shift", he would let off and I grabbed another gear.

The cop (whom we knew well and really got along well with) stood there just scratching his head as we pulled off into the night.

True story!!

I wonder if there's anything redneck about that. lmao