Statin users....

Seen my primary care doc today. He was not the least bit receptive to lowering the Simvastatin dose. He did make mention of perhaps trying me on another one. What we did agree on was that I was going to start COQ10. When I go in for my monthly narcotics scripts he will be sending me out for a blood test to see if the COQ10 is helping. I picked up the liquid stuff from Costco, supposed to be more efficient and get in your system quicker. He did say that he may wait for my November narcotics script for blood work.

We talked about me being obese. He wants me to get off my *** and do something about it. He did tell me that the chance of me ever getting off the statin is very slim....even if I were to drop the 70+ extra pounds I am carrying. But obviously if I were to lose the extra half of a person I am carrying there is a very good chance that a large portion of the aches and pains will leave as well. Hmmm.....