Statin users....

my take is life can be a visous circle? we overeat for many reasons. ie we like good food, we work hard and hungry, depressed, the little woman is a good cook?.. etc...... so we gain un healthy weight and fat. overweight makes its harder to be active and exercise. we get older and so much easier to gain and it does not come off like it did before we hit age 50 ???? older with associated aches and pains and health issues.
all I know is I feel better if my weight is right where it should be, if I eat TER right healthy foods, in the RIGHT amounts, on a SCHEDULE.
Me and the Mrs. had a bit of a heated discussion about this couple of nights ago. Her diet consists of starches.....lots of them. What she serves as a portion is WAY out of line with what it should be.
I know what works for me....less carbs the better. While back I was about as heavy as I am now. Diet consisted of proteins, pretty much lot of beef/chicken. Yogurt, string cheese, almonds as a snack. Almost no breads, rice potatoes. In 4 months I went from 245 to 195. Problem now is a certain someone just will not get on board with this. I need to change my mindset some, which no doubt will help. We will often times have something defrosted for me to cook...but she will be driving past a fast food place and grab us something to eat. Instead of standing my ground and cooking what is thawed I eat the crap she brings home....

The irony in all of this is I don't really taste a lot of things anymore. Thanks to a severe chronic sinus infection and the truckload of anti-biotics/anti-inflammatorys my sense of taste is pretty much shot. I can't say I enjoy eating all of the crap that I do but shouldn't. I pretty much eat to eat. At times I feel like I am living to eat instead of eating to live.....if that makes any sense...