Statin users....

we live out in the sticks so NEVER eat crap at Mc Donalds etc......

I know how it is when you live with someone that has different eating habits and taste in food. so its a matter of going to the grocery either with her or by myself and make sure I bring home the kinds of food I want. so for instance, she might buy white rice and I buy brown. I pick up salmon I want ,,, she will not touch ( Ha more for me!??). etc I want veggies she wants taters.
I make sure I help MY plate. I explain she has NO idea how much or little I want on my plate.. one key is at night, we NEED less for as we will be sleeping and not burning cal!!????? I was raised down South. the mid day meal was the large meal, not at the evening meal. 98 degrees 100 % humidity, working outside, HOW did I do it!????? must of been that HUGE glass ( glasses) of ice tea!?????? Ha
she has got me on this "every night" ice cream thing!!! its a bad habit. I love the stuff. BUT, I eat a small bowl, she eats one big enough to feed the entire O Boma family. she slips down on the kitchen floe yesterday. I though I was gonna have to go to the garage and drag in the cheery picker to get her up. I bit my tongue, BUT I should have told her she really needs to change her eating and exercise habits!