What are you listening to ?

thank you for your undying support of the kids music, puts a lump in my throat, and gives me a better understanding of what the word "friend" means.

love ya, norm...........

--- Back at cha Higg ---

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you & yours in the palm of His hand.
(edit for ---mmm--- clarity).

The 'kids'--- Hey 'pops' they can't be 'kids' & lay down those cuttin head rif's :D

Once upon a time I & My (then) band got as far as an audition with CBS RECORDS,
I walked , the psychosis was toooo much, MUCH learned however,
Lightning Rodney has the Higg to cover their arse :D

P.s, I still think L/R, should change their name to ROME !!!

Listening to Queensryche---

I think ROME, eeerrr Lightning Rodney, could do this song superlatively !!!!