A Sherlock Holmes needed to ID 340 springs - Aftermarket

krazykuda Krazykuda, no one is doing the heads. They were done just before I bought the car in 1991 (had receipts) and I only put 5000 miles on the car since I bought it. The engine ran great before I pulled it (due to the car being rusted beyond repair), so I intend of doing nothing with the heads beyond having the checked for cracks and pressured checked. I always intended on selling it and only pulled it apart to make sure I was selling a sound unit. I am looking for a new machine shop guy though and would be happy if you'd PM me his name. My old guy never answers his phone.

69 Cuda 440, Mopar #3412068 is a good guess, but free length is too short and diameter too big. I suspect it is from an aftermarket manufacturer. Melling has an online chart showing all measurements including free length and a valve with identical measurement was make for use on a Ford 302 (and other Ford products). I am going to take JBurch's advice and visit an machine shop.

Evidently post number 3 never showed up.............