Hardly believable

I hesitated to post this because I thought/think some will think it's an exaggeration, but I swear it's true.

I was driving the Dart about 70 on a 65mph two lane hiway the other day and was in the right hand lane when a small truck that was pulled off the road on the right shoulder put his signal on and started out into the road.
I checked my mirrors and my left blind spot to see only one little red car about 1/8 mile behind me, so I signaled and moved over into the left lane.
I was coming up on where the truck was and checked my mirrors again and the little red car was coming up behind me and suddenly changed lanes into the right lane to try and go by me.
At this point the little truck was only doing about 45 so the red car jumps back over in the left lane and passes me on my left with his wheels off the shoulder in the median while I'm going by the little truck that was in the right lane.
Dirt, gravel and weeds were flying up in the air and I could hear them hitting the front of my car and see them bouncing off my windshield.
I turned off the hiway at the same offramp he did and SOOOO wanted to get my tire iron out and make a mess of him and his car both.
I followed him to a house and stopped down the street a couple of houses and watched him watching me as he went in the house.

I called the police while sitting there and told them what happened and that I was sitting right down the street and could point the car out and they said that without any witnesses they couldn't just accuse the guy of doing what I said he did.
I told them that they could go check all the grass and weeds on the front of his car, and I would take them to where his tires were off in the weeds when he did it, but they said that couldn't prove anything, and that if I approached him about it they could very well arrest me for road rage.

I was like WTF!???
It's getting to the point that even if you are not interfering with anyone and minding your own business other drivers have to mess with you, cut you off, pass you in a 25 residential area, do 50 in a 25 and run stops signs and red lights and they don't do a damn thing about it.
Hell I recently got passed on the left in a 25 zone with my frickin left signal on AS I was turning left.
Happens all day every day here.

Worthless cops won't even do their damn jobs around here.
I guess I should have followed my first thought and ran his *** off the hiway when he came up next to me and then played dumb about even knowing he was there, and let him explain how that happened if he lived through it.