What Are These Relays/Switches on the Underdash Harness?

As far as I know, nobody is getting paid to dispense advice here. I'm certainly not. I make a lot of technical Youtube videos, and I didn't start getting "paid" for it until I became a partner. I do it mainly because I like to help, to interact with other people and most of all become famous:D

Point is, nobody wants to be harangued when they ask a question. If you participate on a public, free forum, you have to accept that people are going to ask the same questions over and over again without searching. If it's annoying to the point of distraction, maybe it's time for either a break or medication. Not every person that visits this board has a Kreskin-like recollection of all the websites possessing nuggets of Mopar knowledge.

PS this was not a harangue, this was a lecture:cheers:

No "Tyler" your haranguing, lecturing, ranting does not compute. MY point is since nobody is paying me for answers, this means "I get to answer questions any way I choose." What I'm trying to do here, is to encourage people to learn a little bit, so that if their old girl dies a smoking puking death on the freeway some dark night, and maybe in a dark part of the night, they might have some idea of what to do besides stand there and wave their arms and jump up and down.

And JUST maybe, some of it might rub off, so that after people like me die, "a few" of the youngsters will remember how and where to look up answers.

Here's what I'm trying to say to you, "Tyler." Screw off. Only, you and I both know, that is not what I "said."