Intake question

Well thank you very much guys! Ya the motor came with a carter 4966 AVS.
Anyone got a pic of the choke block off plate? I dont think I will need a choke.

Without a picture of the carburetor it's hard to say. The picture that Rumblefish posted is the choke pull-off. A complete AVS will have choke plate in the primary side of the carburetor. The pull-off keeps the plate open when the engine is warm.

To install the carburetor and have satisfactory engine operation, one of the following actions need to be taken regarding the choke, assuming there is a choke plate in the carburetor.

1. Put a link (do-it-yourself, IDK if they are commercially available) on the bell crank that operates the choke plate to keep it open.
2. Remove the choke plate.
3. Install the choke pull-off as Rumblefish has shown.
4. Install a push-pull cable for complete manual control of the choke.
5. Install an electric choke. Kits for this are available in the aftermarket. IIRC, the Edelbrock Thunder Series AVS uses the same kit as you would need for your carburetor.

My 2 ยข worth to you is that you live in a cold enough climate to benefit from having a functional choke on the engine, especially during winter.