do you think its hurt

yeah, I am a little picky, maybe real picky. I been thinking this over since I posted this. Was thinking about what some said on another post about heat and what it can do to some electrical parts. and I do not want to be doing this over again as this coil is in the very back corner of the engine. More than likely it would probably be ok but I am thinking it would be better to just get another one. I found it a little cheaper, $80 at Summit. part # 1181. I will probably get one. and Yes you were a lot of help. sometimes it only takes one word to make someones mind up. The cheaper in the long run tells me I need to do it now. Don't like do overs. Don't like problems on the road either. And this is another restore projects. It will be painted when we get back home from Cruisin the Coast. Thanks