Advice on removing paint from plastic panels

I "think" what appears to be a 2nd coat of paint is actually original from the factory. Clean them well & again a 2nd time before applying "Adhesion Promoter"......Then paint them with an interior dye designed for plastic.

Be careful about scrubbing them too much as it may effect the grain.

I do believe you are correct... The kick panels and column piece cleaned up pretty easy. On closer inspection the pillar trim had major sun damage and break down of the original finish. the grain and texture on the pillars would come off with fingernail scrape. I spent a couple of hours with some hobby tools and some razor blades to "Shave" scrape the crumbling grain off down to a usable clean surface. Had about a cup worth of material come off the two pillar pieces. They have been completed now with the adhesion promoter and SEM paint. They're not perfect by any means but look good enough to use until I can find better ones at a later time.

Thanks everyone for the help!
