833 B to 833OD

Just a 360/40 over.
The first McLeod3400 clutch disc didn't lasty very long at all. It was so long ago, I can't say. But I'll guess I swapped it out in spring of it's second year, so that might be 1.5 years and maybe 10,000 miles. That's a guess. Then I sprang the cash for a CFII. I only ran that disc for 1 or 2 summers. I found it just not to my liking. It worked too well, breaking everything behind it. So about the 4th or 5th summer I threw in an old disc I had laying around, slightly used, that I thought was a 340 disc. Well it popped the springs out quicker than ...It never made it to winter. So the next spring, that's now about the 6th?, it had a brand from the dealer 340 HP disc in it. It made it to winter but during the following summer(I guess the 7th now) it spit out it's springs. So that's when I came up with the idea to slipperize the CFII.After that, It hasn't broken anything, and I think since then I've only replaced one Disc; another 340 OEM disc.Occasionally, the CFII will slip a bit too much/long, if I take off just lazy enough, but as soon as the revs come up it's all good. Occasionally the flyweights don't all come up at the same time and then it vibrates under cruise conditions. I just pedal it and rev it up 'til they do.
The CF- PP,all-in-all is the best pressure plate I've ever owned. The CFII disc though, is on
the shelf, cuz it just breaks stuff.
As to camming; There comes a point that one more cam bump takes the vehicle out of the realm of being streetable and also a point where more cubes is just a better solution.
140mph in a short wb, narrow track, first gen Barracuda, is really pushing the envelope.

The GV comments were just to excite and entice. It was a very hard economic decision for me. But, in hindsite a great sacrifice. All muscle cars shoulda come with a factory 5-speed.Doing the chunk-swaperoo gets old fast.