Some Break-in Ifo from Crane

This is for the FWIW department.... just passing along info. (Disclaimer: I offer no guarantees of this being info that will work for you, so use it at your own risk.)

I have read where Crane Cams has stated you should have no more than 'so many' lbs lifter pressure on the cam lobe at max lift (over-the-nose) for flat tappet cams . So I called to ask what would be the safe level of lifter pressure on the cam for break-in, and the tech guy said to keep it under 250 lbs lifter pressure over-the-nose. I was considering getting some lighter valve springs for break-in, but this no longer looks necessary; our springs will exert 180 lbs of lifter pressure over-the-nose. (If you want to know your lifter pressure, just divide the actual spring pressure by the rocker ratio. Edit to correct: MULTIPLY)

He added that they now recommend just straight break-in oils only, rather than the break-in additives. If I understood what I was told correctly, it has been found in some testing that the additives need to blend into the oil at a certain temperature range and over some time, and this does not always happen. He even recommended the straight break-in oil over their own brand of break-in additive. Break-in oils mentioned were Brad Penn, Joe Gibbs, and... darned if I can remember now! (It was a common one...Edit to add: It was their own brand.)

Again... FWIW. Just passing the info along for anyone to consider who is so inclined. Hope it helps.