About U-joints...

Threads that start with questions and end with no answers bother me, so while it's not really an answer, this is the end of this issue.

I noticed later my u-joint cups moved inside the slip yoke ears. There was no slop that I could feel or measure (using calipers..not a micrometer). I could see concentric movement between the cup and the ear.

Brewer's were nice enough to respond to my question about that issue, the result being I ordered a new slip joint from Brewers.

I'll put the driveline together with new u-joints so I will not be able to affirm or otherwise determine that the replacement of the one u-joint with the movement had any effect.

The measured movement having 'disappeared' after greasing that joint, it would have been hard to tell if any improvement of replacing only the joint was permanent anyway.

Thanks for listening!