Some time you just get blind side!

I spent 3 week getting ready for this Race! A note book with my "to do list" in the garage, that keep getting bigger, even though i keep checking things off. A sticky note in my work truck, to remind me of what i need to bring home each night. And yet another one on the center console of my Cuda. I WAS READY!!!!!! We spent the night in the parking lot. got up at 7:30am, payed my fees at the ticket stand, pitted, unloaded car and drove up to the tech station. I was righting on my tech card when the tech official informed me that it wasn't a regular bracket night.
I drove to RMR in Utah to find out that it wasn't the bracket racing week end but a special NHRA sportsman series meet.

All I wanted was a 1/4 mile ET!!! My car is not Stock so i couldn't race that class. All the rest required a role bar, fire suit and or a licence. All of which i DID NOT HAVE!

They ended up giving me my money back, letting me keep my car in the pits and then pay to get me and my wife back in as spectators. :pale: