Who was it on here was defending drunk

Sometimes I just don't understand the justice system. A co-worker's son was killed by a jerk who had 4 DUI's to his credit, and was allowed to walk by the judge. How can that happen? A few months later, another co-worker saw the murderer in a bar and gave him several good ones in the ribs and then a really good one in the nuts with steel-toes. I'm not in favor of vigilanty justice, but in this case it was merited.

The justice system is a complete failure in this country. Your friend did the right thing but sadly it will not keep him from drinking again. As long as there is booze and cars drunk driving will keep happening. It's a shame the drunk wasn't the one that died. Sounds cold but many times that's the only way it will stop and the same with over doses.

Don't say that I would change my tune if someone close to me died from an over dose or drunk driving because that is exactly why I have the beliefs I do.