Who was it on here was defending drunk

Pretty sad. I have called in more then a few drunk drivers in my day. If people really want to get drunk drivers off the road then they need to pick up a cell phone when someone leaves the bar. That will hold up in court. A concerned citizen calling in a reckless driver.

I never understood why there are DUI lawyers. It's a fairly black and white issue.
If you blow above the BAC then you broke the law. I don't care if your 500 pounds and can drink a keg and not get drunk.

For one, really good DUI lawyers make really good money. Not just from court cases, but lectures and seminars. I've gone to superior court on a stop suppression when in fact I never actually stopped the person. Now how does district court send that up? A good lawyer. Ofcourse he lost his case as there was never a stop in the first place. But the lawyer never lost a thing. As a matter of fact he was probably slapped on the back at the Bar Association meeting. Who does that implicate in the "its all about the money" assertion?