Lost Musician

A local musician was contacted by the local funeral director to see if the musician would play for a homeless man that had died in town. He was to be given a "paupers funeral" and would be buried out of town in a wooded area. The musician was given location and the time and the musician was not familiar with the area.
After about 2 hours of searching for the burial site-he came upon a huge pile of dirt and about a dozen workers eating lunch under the trees.
The musician walked up and looked down into the large hole and seen a concrete vault with a concrete lid on top already in place.
The musician said he was sorry he was late and thought the poor man had already been placed in the vault and waiting to be covered up. The musician played about a dozen songs and really put his heart into it.
On the last song -he played "Amazing Grace" as humbly as he could and he saw several on the workers standing with tears in their eyes. The musician again said he was sorry he was late and he felt good in his heart, but sad that the man did not have any flowers or friends there. As he was getting into his car; he heard one of the workers asking another if he had ever seen anything like that in his whole life?
The other worker said, "No, and I have been putting in septic tanks for twenty years and haven't seen anything like this before". The musician thought- I guess I am still lost!:angel12: