d#$m TTI headers

When I put a set of 2" tti's on our 383 '70 Roadrunner I ran into a lot of problems. Our pitman arm needed over an inch of extra clearance. We're tight against the mini starter on the left side and tight against the bellhousing on the right side. We spaced the left motor mount 1/2" higher on the left and dimpled the header to clear the pitman arm but we're still tight against the starter. We'll probably end up using a come-along or port-a-power to gain the extra clearance we need.

As much praise as I've heard about tti headers we found a lot of threads online about fitment problems. I don't know if some of the issues are caused by variances in production from Ma Mopar or quality control issues on tti's part.

I'm not regretting going with their headers but I'm surprised by some of the problems I've seen with fit. It really seems to be hit & miss on how well they fit for different guys.