need help with a Holley carb

I believe the old goat is gonna make it. I finished the engine bay and got the motor back together tonight. I installed the regulator and the PSI is sitting at 6.5. Started it up and it still had the dead spot in it. It didn't do the " run on " after I shut it off so the pressure problem is fixed. So I swapped the carb that my friend gave me. He said he uses it to dyno the engines they build. It is a Quick Fuel 850. WOW, what a difference. This engine has very good response. So, I am going to take that carb back and have him set this one up like the other one. He told me he could but he needed to know what my engine liked. I can tell you it liked the new carb. For a minute there I thought I liked a Holley. Maybe, just maybe I one day might own one. Now that I found someone who know what they are doing. I cant believe I just said that. I will have him change this carb while I am on vacation next week. thanks for the help guys.