Odd electrical gremlin. no start, dim dome light (some times) buzzer comes on and off

12.44 Volts does not a good battery make.

I'm betting it shorted a cell.

If you don't have an effective load tester, put your multimeter on and have a pal hit the starter for you. If it drops below....8V (More like 10, but the condition of the battery is unknown), the battery is DEAD. Not recharge dead, more like Robin Williams dead.

I'm betting it will drop to like 0-2V.

I've had more than one battery die in such a manner. I've literally stopped to grab something, come out of the house 2 minutes later, and the grim reaper was harvesting another voltaic-pile soul.

Rule number one on ANY electrical diagnostic: VERIFY THE BATTERY. Remember, there's more to a battery than volts. It has to be able to throw current to cut mustard.