Odd electrical gremlin. no start, dim dome light (some times) buzzer comes on and off

So... I got it running.

You ready for this 67?...

I, uh. Well... I cleaned the terminals and clamps.

Now, I did check them and they honestly looked fine to me. No white build up or anything. But they weren't nice and shiny.

So I though to myself, "Self, ya know 67dart273 really put a lot of emphasis on them posts being clean and the clamps tight. Now I know ya already checked them out and they didn't seem unreasonably filthy or corroded, but 'ol 67 has helped us out a lot in the past. Just to be sure, let's do this before going any further."

So we did (myself and me), and sure enough; fired right up.

I don't mind being wrong. I'm getting pretty good at it actually. I definitely don't mind it when it saves me a hundred bones!

So, big humble thanks to 67dart. You were right, and I was not nearly thorough enough in my initial assessment.

Thanks to jos for your input as well.