Working on old Plymouth more fun than day job

Turning 63 Nov. 10th. Headin to the Social Security Office at 1:00. Been working since I turned 10, passing papers and cutting lawns, have had 2 jobs pretty much ever since. Currently own a small hometown printing business along with my wife and drive truck 3 to 4 days a week. Its making an OLDER man out of me so its time to sign my half of the business over to the wife, quit climbing in and out and up and down of the Western Star flatbed and spend MUCH MORE TIME finishing my garage and working on my 5 A-Bodies and 56 F-100. Will still put some time in running the offset jobs and doing the bindery stuff at the shop, but that, building the garage and making progress on my antique vehicles is FAR more satisfying than shiftin gears and pulling on ratchet binders!!!