Stripped 727 Transmission cooling line

Ive come to seek the help of anyone that may have had the misfortune of having this happen or anyone with good advice. When I was installing new tranny cooling lines, I was trying to wedge the shift linkage past the pressure line. I guess by pushing a little too hard on the line (near the fitting) it was enough to strip the threads out of the side of the transmission. I didn't think I was even pushing that now I'm at a loss...the only ideas I can think of off the top of my head is putting a heli coil in the now stripped hole or possibly rethreading it and putting a larger fitting in it. I feel like the first choice would be easier and wouldn't risk getting the metal shavings inside the transmission (as much) as threading a new hole. my only concern is that Im not sure if a heli coil would work well for a fluid coupling, especially a pressure line...