To lower or not to lower???

My brother fixed his squeek with brake fluid once. I can't recommend that, as, soon after the T-bar broke. Now I'm not suggesting the two are related. I bought the car cheap, fixed the T-bar, and the squeek, and sold it to another brother, for a nice profit.When he was finished with it, I bought it back, and drove it for a few more years, then parted it out.The engine became my winter motor for my S, in the early years. Eventually my son bought it and hired me to install it in his 84 D-100. Eventually that truck came back to me, and is currently sitting in the compound.The engine ran well when it was parked, and may again see service.It's a 73, and has never seen new rings. I put new bearings and valve seals into it in 2000. It's been in the family nearly as long as I've been married, going on 39 years!
Yeah so, don't pull the trigger; find and fix the squeek.