Coronet R/T ???

Thank you Rani for that info. I dont know much about the B-bodies.. Obviously hahaha

I do know that it is a 440 engine (blown up), but I did not see the superbee badging on it so that leads me to just believe its a R/T.

With that being said what is the range of value.

cant tell you without pics ......come on you should know the drill already :boxing:

The superbee and R/T were not the only trim levels on the same basic car it could be a number of possibilities.

it could be a:

WL Coronet deluxe which is a cousin car to the Belvedere.
WM Superbee which is the cousin car to the Road runner
WH Coronet 440 (not engine size, 440 is a trim level) its the cousin car to the Satellite
WP Coronet 500 which is the cousin car to the Sport Satellite
WS Coronet R/T which is the cousin car to the GTX

If its a numbers matching 440 its most likely a WS or WM, if any of the others then its most likely a body someone put a 440 into.

Only the WL and WM were available in a post coupe with the sedan pillar as the "B" pillar.