Holy S**t People

I also like when someone gets in the left turn lane, then puts their right signal on to merge into traffic, then gets upset when you don't slow down and let them get in front of you!! Hello...news flash, it's called the "left turn lane", not the "I need to merge into traffic, why don't you let me in" lane!! Another misuse of the turn indicator!!

As for the Walmart crowd??? I let Nella go up and gently ram them in the ankle area with her footplate when they're blocking the aisle, because I love to see them turn around in anger that they're not the only shopper that matters, expecting to find another idiot of their same pedigree, only to find that they're blocking the aisle in front of a handicapped girl in a wheelchair!! Nobody's ever said boo to Nella, and I pity the first fool who tries!!! Yes, having Nella with you has its benefits, and all it costs most times is the price of ice cream to get some great entertainment!!!