Holy S**t People

I can't tell ya how many times I have been told I'm #1 from people blazing up the get on ramp to the highway, and I can't get over because I have cars beside me. As soon as they get a chance they pass me and flip me off.

What the heck are they thinking, I'm gonna jam the brakes on in an 80,000 pound rig to let them in? Idiots...........

It really makes ya wonder what the term merge safely really means.

What about the ones that run up there and come to a stop because they are afraid to merge?
My brother, sister and brother in law all drive trucks. :D

Or the ones that jump over in front of you and hit the brakes while coming up to a red light so they can be in the front in that lane, because they would have been behind someone in the lane they came from ? :D