Holy S**t People

Whole heartedly agreed, but what are you going to do? You cannot change strangers driving habits. You can scare them, drive uber defensively, road rage, or shoot them like they did in California where this started over twenty years ago (remember Steve Martin??)

My grandfather's was to drive a larger and even larger vehicle-people buy train horns now (yes the horns are illegal)

When people sue the auto manufacturer for the people's own negligence, it's too late, you live in a society without responsibility.

I used to drive very politely, and try to set a good example out in traffic, but I got so tired of people being aholes all around me that I said screw it.
If one of us HAS to be the wolf in traffic and the other HAS to be made the sheep, guess who's going to be the sheep?
I'm not really a "turn the other cheek" type person like I used to be years ago.