Supercharged or Stroked 360

I voted S/Charger and here's why; Any old 360 will make power with it, and when it blows up, you're just less than $500 from being back in action. How can you beat that?
If you blow up your stroker, you maybe get to start all over
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But if I had money,I tell you what I'd do; I'd slap on a li'l turbo, and a bigger one too..........................
I'd put on a medium one and a little one and stage them. The little one would come on just off idle, And I'd use it to fill the gap until the bigger one came on line.The little one might have an internal W/G, and would be independently adjustable, so I could put max torque down as soon as the chassis could accept it. But I'd try to size it to not need a WG.
I'd do it a little differently than most do tho. I'd put them under the rear seat,where the mufflers normally go. I'd go with an automatic. I'd fab. and install a pressure chamber, behind the auto and ahead of the turbos. I'd run each turbo independently off the chamber. The little guy would run full time, and dump it's load into the big one to pre-spool it, but there would be a pressure valve between the chamber and the little guys dump, preventing the bigger one from coming on line until I tell it to. I'd have a way of opening the pressure valve, for restriction-free cruising. If I have to,I'd run a waste-gate directly off the chamber.I'd run 3.23s or less, and shorty headers.
Well that's my plan so far................... To date,I got the 3.23s, and the A/T. Hmmmmmmmmm