Need help with WIW

Stop worrying about WIW, and, instead of trying to squeeze every last dollar out if it, Put the whole shootin' match on CL for about +/- $9500 OBO. ( number is arbitrary based on parts)

The cars and parts will sell fairly quickly, and your friend's daughter will have cash in her hand, instead of a bunch of cars and parts in her yard.

You can sit there a barter, "Well this is worth that, an that's worth this much".. and end up sitting on this stuff for ever, or you can move it quickly, for a decent price", and change the rusting sheet metal into green back.

get off the sentimental trip, and treat it like a business venture. Selling it as a "lot", will be easier, and MUCH faster, than haggling every time some dreamer calls for a price.

You can make $8k 9K in one lump, or maybe $9k or even 10K spread out over 8 months. Some how dribs and drabs don't pay off as well as a lump sum. Even if the lump sum is slightly less. Remember, the longer you sit on the parts the lower your price gets to move them.