Just another 65 Barracuda build.....

SWEET! We're back in School. shop is open. some of the kids are back to the build, some are graduated and gone. New kids coming in.

Status: on rotisserie still. all bodywork done (as far as it will get). fenders and qtrs. repaired. All window channels repaired and painted. Frame connectors done and installed. The assembly is about to start.

Engine change now being considered. May opt to go with a 318/904 lockup/8.75 3.91 SG 741 case, 360 going to the shelf.

Second level kids looking at teardown of a 1965 D100 2wd , S6 truck. thanks to DaveM...I have replacement manifold for the cracked one..... That build will be on the sweptline forum.

Stay tuned for picts!