Line honing crank journals

YABUT .....M/C chains are generally 3 to 4 or more,times longer, and a bazzilion times weaker. When an adjuster fails that chain starts whipping about pretty bad, doing all kinds of damage to the guide shoes and aluminum tunnels. Not to mention the awful racket that makes.
What I like about my Mopar tensioner, is how stable the timing marks are.No more guessing.Even after 100,000 miles.And I like the no-maintenance thing too.
But then at age 62, Ima getting lazier and lazier. I hate that about myself.I wish my oil would change itself.I guess I could sublet it out. But I'm an even bigger cheap-az then I am a lazy-az. Plus then I'd be worrying about the drainplug falling out, and so I'd be scooting under there to check it, and then I might as well just have done the whole thing myself already.....But now we're really,really, really,off-topic.