Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Odd Napa did not have it, maybe they stock it here because of all the oil and gas going on.

Anyways what did you have for dinner, I made chicken kabobs, wife made apple pie and fried rice, sorry no pictures of the finished product, too busy feeding my face.
Needed a couple hour nap afterwords.



I guess all them rumors about Southerners having squirrels on a stick as a mainstay diet are unfounded. (you have to realize that I consider anyone living anywhere South of me to be a Southerner)

My dining experience last night was pretty basic. Meatloaf, corn on the cob, mashed potatoes & gravy.

The older I get, the less effort I seem to put into making a meal. Cap'n Crunch has become one of the 3 main food groups here. It's like the cocaine of the cereal world. I became addicted to it back in the 60's when you could send in 3 of it's boxtops to get a Matchbox car. Ahhh! - Fine dining at it's best.



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