Cloudy Radiator Coolant (After Flushing)

Thanks BillGrissom and nm9stheham, the coolant now looks more green and opaque, not really cloudy, but no chunky bits floating around. I'll still have to do a proper flush at some point, as long as it's not running on the warm side. As for the other problems, they went away once I replaced the spark plugs, distributor, and fuel filter. It could have been one of those going out, or a combination of a few.

It ran great until a few weeks later when It started to run as if it was stuttering and slowing down. When trying to restart the car, the starter was slow and the lights weren't as strong. The alternator was fried when I took it to get tested, so I switched it out along with the regulator and a recharged battery, its runs much better.

The vacuum gauge tends to read at a steady 10 at parked idle, so I might have to recheck the valve gaps and go from there. Thanks for the help and support!