Bench testing dash clusters ??

What are the specs for the pot? I have a few that I use for Arduino projects. Well, that's when I used to tinker with that thing. I haven't in about a year.

This is my point. Many smaller pots don't have the required wattage. Even if you don't 'burn' the pot, the current through it during the test will most probably change the resistance, making your test somewhat inaccurate.

(Which reminds me of a story, LOL) Years ago a then friend and I were testing a big amateur radio amplifier. Unlike CB, amateurs are allowed 1500W out, and this amplifier had a little headroom over that. We were doing initial tests, but he didn't have an adequate "dummy load."

(50 ohm high wattage load to replace antenna)

So we were using a Heathkit dummy load "Cantenna" in a bucket of water for extra cooling, LOL

This thing was being operated at somewhere around 2KW output, and the tuning kept wanting to change. We could NOT figure out "whut." Then I looked down at the stinking, oily, steaming bucket of dummy load, and so we checked the resistance. The "should be" 50 ohm load had gone down I think to about 25-30 ohms!!!!!