wood heat

anyone else out there love wood heat????

here is s w Missouri there is an ABUNDANCE of wood hear and logging. I love my wood heat in my modest home I built. I don't have any big amount of land by far, what I do have is all pasture. I don't buy any firewood, just bundles of slabwood. I can go cut some wood on the neighbors but but getting in and out with a dually with plastic fenders, up and down a hill they would call a BIG hill in Co. its better not to unless i'm feeling really game.
I have most of my winters wood cut, stacked, seasoned, but thought I would get a couple of extra bundles today. nice day, bout 60 degrees, I cut a tank of gas, then stack that, and take a break! so here I am taking a break! one advantage of being sorta retired, and an OLD fart!????
I like watching the shows on the idiot box about Alaska and other places of interest. amazing how they heat a small cabin, the people live in N E Alaska way above the artic circle. in a log house that has no real chinking, just moss stuck in there. amazing.
mechanic friend complained how it costs him like $300 a month to heat his home, maybe 1800 sq ft. I have 1500 but only use bout 1000 of it. costs me maybe $100 a year. that's the cost of slab, gas, chain oil, chains. huh?
nothin like the warmth of wood heat. any body other their have love of wood heat??????????