goodbye guys, gonna have to call it quits.

Ok, do for the last 3-4 years my wife and i have both worked. Her on the weekends, myself during the week. This left me caring for 3 our 3 young kids every weekend. I collected up parts for my project at this time. Well i finally payed the house off, and the agreement was that i would be able to spend weekends in the shop working on my project. This goes on for 4 weekends, nevermind the fact that i help out around the house during the week. Now i get the "you know it sucks that you get to do what you wsnt every weekend" guilt trip. This is what we both agreed to. She knew i was getting tired of playing the weekend Mr mom, so we agreed once the house was done, i get my shop time on the weekends. Now this has become a source of argument. So today she says why dont you go work in your shop. I look at her , laugh and say, "no, because if i do it will be a bone of contention with you" . So whats running in my mind is her telling me i got weekends back after all this time of not being able to work on my project, then you complain about it, so i guess shes got to deal with me being a miserable bastard in the house every weekend. Because i cant get anything accomplished, Then i wont be out in my shop where it pisses her off. What really pissed me off was being told i was child like. I told her, i have payed this house off twice. At 46 years old make sure the bills get payed on time, and we have food for everyone to eat, what the hell more do you want.

BTW this is my second wife. I payed out my first in a divorce. Kept my home, had to refinance it, and just payed it off a second time. I think i am just gonna go to work to a.demanding, stressful job, come home and be miserable every weekend since i am now not allowed time to de stress it seems.

Goodbye everybody its been fun.