goodbye guys, gonna have to call it quits.

My girlfriend two years ago listened to me talk very fondly of a 72 duster I once had. She gave me 3k to start looking for another. Two months later I found one two hours south. She came with and approved. We rented a car trailer and truck and she followed me home. She said it should have a 4 on the floor! I agreed. I found one north two and a half hours away, but I was busy with work. She drove almost to Seattle to get it for me/us. (Everything is ours!) We got married two months ago. Yesterday we went to Macy's and I helped her pick out a new dress and jacket, and today I bought a dana 60.
I never ever buy a part for the car unless I talk about it with my best friend (jayne)
Always - give - n - take - share !