66 Dart GT HT Whatsitgonnabe?

70 pounds! Wow.

The Swedish postal system is a sad story. In the 90:ies, they were subjected to competition and lost a whole lot of their market in delivering invoices and other letters from companies. At the same time, people stopped writing letters to each other altogether.

In order to stay profitable (which is a questionable goal for a fully public service company), they increased the postage a lot, like doubled it in a few years, and shut down all the post offices over a decade or so.

In stead, we now have our post offices integrated in convenience stores and grocery stores. This can be considered a good thing because there are a lot more convenience stores with post office capabilities than there ever were post offices and they have much better business hours. They do not, however, cater to the elderly, those who used to go to the post office to pay their bills and cash their pension.

The irony of this is that as the Internet mail order has exploded, delivering packages has become a MUCH larger business that it was 20 years ago and now the Postal Service is just one of many in this market. And they are clearly not able to take advantage of their 300+ year experience advantage. They are not even the cheapest.

When it comes to delivering mail, the Swedish Postal Service still do that, but only letters and packages that fit in your mailbox. And where they used to deliver letters around 10-11 AM, now you get them 2-3 PM. If you're living in an urban community...

So yes, I will need to pick it up the same way I picked up the other package and all other packages I ever receive. No problem, though. I'm free all day and usually I will get some groceries when I'm already at the store.