2015 World Series picks

There are going to be a lot of people yelling about the Cubs, and that the "Curse is still alive!" but I think that's all BS. Yes, they got swept out of the series. That happens quite a lot in baseball. But when you look at how young this team is, and consider the fact that they weren't even considered to be contenders until NEXT year, then you can realize exactly how talented they really are. Give them an off season to recuperate, a good spring training, and then we'll see what they can do next year when they're a little older, a little wiser, and with a big enough chip on their shoulder to prove that they weren't a fluke!


Agreed here.. Experience is a major factor, mistakes and a burning passion through those experiences ,make you learn. The Dodgers won't learn that,because the current manager doesn't know that fire.. The team (Cubs)is absolutely amazing,energy everywhere. That comes from coaching connecting with players, in passion & soul....